Help for the hurting.
There is medical care available for you in New Bedford. If you find yourself without medical insurance, or unable to financially pay for your medical needs, there is help to get the healing that you need.
If you need help in finding where or how to get the care you need, we are here to help you, just click the “I need help” button.
Below are organizations where you can begin to find help in the city of New Bedford.
1. New Bedford Health Department
Phone: 508-991-6199
Address: 1213 Purchase St.
2. Massachusetts Drug Card is a free card that gets you discounted prescription, available to all Mass residents
Phone: 800-617-2645
3. Mass211 is a free, confidential hotline that gives info on local health and human services
Phone: dial 211
4. FamilyWize provides free cards for discounted prescriptions for those who are uninsured/prescriptions aren’t covered by insurance. Partners with United Way of Greater New Bedford.
Phone: 508-994-9625
Address: 128 Union St., Suite 105
5. Greater New Bedford Community Health Center will provide care regardless of insurance coverage and regardless of how much you are able to pay.
Phone: 508-992-6553
Address: 874 Purchase St.
6. YWCA gives referrals for free medical screenings for those uninsured/insurance doesn’t cover. Free transportation /accompaniments to appointments, and offers health education. Widow’s program: support groups/activities, referrals to services that can assist them, financial literacy classes for women/girls, provides low-income housing for women (must be employed, volunteering, and/or in school full-time).
Phone: 508-999-3255
Address: 20 S 6th St.
“No one needs to be left finding help on their own. No one needs to walk through a crisis by themselves. No one needs to feel like they have no one in their corner who cares. We are here. We care.”